What are the obstacles?

Color Block Jam features unique obstacles and block types, bringing depth and strategy to the game (The best is yet to come—stay tuned!). Here's a quick overview of each obstacle mechanic to help you master the challenges and beat the levels.

  • Arrow: Arrow blocks can only move in their indicated direction. Plan your moves wisely to navigate these tricky blocks!
  • Layer: Blocks with layers must be removed one layer at a time. Focus on peeling back the outer layers first!
  • Ice: Iced blocks are frozen in place. To free them, you’ll need to remove a specified number of other blocks.
  • Combined: Combined blocks are stuck together. Separate them by taking out one part of the pair first!
  • Star: Star blocks can only exit through star doors. Tip: Normal blocks can also pass through star doors to be removed!
  • Chain: Chained blocks can’t be moved until unlocked. To unchain them, remove the required number of key blocks.
  • Bomb: Bomb blocks are dangerous! Remove them before they explode. Plan ahead to neutralize the threat in time!
  • Door: Doors open and close with each block removed. Time your moves carefully—when the door is open, don’t miss your chance!
  • Ropes: Roped blocks are stuck. To cut the ropes, you must remove scissors of the same color.
  • Colorful Path: Only blocks of the same color can use these paths. Use them strategically to clear the way and create space!
  • Iced Door: Iced doors are locked by ice. To open them, remove the required number of blocks to break the ice.
  • Moving Door Lock: These locks move to the next door in a specific direction. Think ahead to avoid getting stuck!
  • Crate: Crates may hold surprises—possibly even a bomb! Clear the required blocks to uncover what’s underneath.
  • Obstacle Moving Blocks: These blocks can move freely unless locked, roped, or screwed. However, they cannot be taken out!